Interlinking SEO Strategy: How to Do Effective Interlinking Aug 22, 2023 |  

Wikipedia – something every one of us at some point in our life has looked into. Now let’s jog that memory. You’ll remember links such as the ones shown in the figure below. These are called interlinks. The reason we specifically took Wikipedia as an example is because it is one of the best websites […]

How to Ensure Content Relevance? [2023-24 Guide] Aug 07, 2023 |  

You are in search of something. You enter your query, and the search engine provides the results relevant to it. You clicked on the first one and skimmed through the content. It seems to be good, but the content seems to be not up-to-date.  You exit the website and click on the next one. This […]

Top Technical SEO Tools to Improve Your Website Health Jul 31, 2023 |  

Technical SEO is an important aspect of any successful SEO strategy. It is vital to ensure that your website is easily discoverable, navigable, and engaging. Without it, you won’t be able to maximize the potential of your website in terms of organic visibility and positioning.   With proper technical SEO tactics, you can ensure good website […]

When and How to Update Old Content Jul 24, 2023 |  

Optimizing or updating old content pieces is considered to be an effective way to boost your website’s ranking as well as traffic.  If you are hearing this for the first time, then try it! It is effective.  As a content marketer and an SEO professional, I have had my fair share of optimization of such […]