How Search Engines Work: What is Google Crawling and Indexing? Apr 14, 2022 |  

Answer engines have evolved from search engines. And very advanced ones. Their job is to find, analyze, and arrange online content in order to show browsers meaningful results to them and fulfill their requirements. To ensure that your content is accessible to as many readers as possible, you should first focus on making it visible. […]

What is Keyword Cannibalization? How to Identify & Fix it? Apr 09, 2022 |  

One of the most underestimated SEO approaches is keyword cannibalization. In fact, certain SEOs suggest that it does not exist, which adds to the misunderstanding and creates even more myths. However, keyword cannibalization is a problem for several websites, and it can seriously harm your rankings. It’s just that it’s probably not what you think […]

Hello Marketers 😎  Mar 26, 2021 |  

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